Adult Leagues

Adult Basketball Leagues

Spring/Summer Adult Basketball “C” Leagues (Ages 18+)

Registration Deadline May 2 (or until filled)

The season will be a 10-game regular season + playoffs (depending on the amount of teams). Cash prizes will be awarded for top finishers. Teams must provide their own similar color jerseys/shirts with numbers. Registration is accepted as a team only. Individual interests can contact 
Location Central Community Center
Team Fee $850

Sunday, 8:00 AM-1:00 PM | May 11-August 10
Click here to register!

Tuesday, 6:30-9:30 PM | May 13-August 12
Click here to register!

Spring Women’s Basketball League (Ages 18+)

Registration Deadline March 17 (or until filled)

Each team will play an 8 week regular season + playoffs. Fee covers referees, scorekeeper and end of season prize. Registration is taken by individual or by team. Registered individuals will be assigned onto a team once registration closes. Each team will be assigned a team color which players need to have that color shirt with a jersey number.
Location RecPlex
Team Fee $850
Individual Fee R $85 NR $95

Wednesday, 6:30-9:30 PM | April 2-June 4

Individual Registration
Click here to register!

Team Registration
Click here to register!

Adult Pickleball

Spring Adult Pickleball Leagues (Ages 18+)

Registration Deadline March 17 (or until filled)

Grab a partner and join our Adult Pickleball League! Registration is accepted as a team only! Teams of 2 players play an 8 game regular season + playoffs (number of teams may vary). Each game is 3 matches. Double headers could be scheduled if necessary. There will be cash prizes for top finishers. Team rosters can have up to 5 players on a roster. Players must supply their own paddle. Individual interests can contact Leagues will be separated by skill level (as designated during registration) and some divisions may be combined, if necessary.
Location RecPlex
Team Fee $100

Tuesday, 6:00-9:00 PM | April 1-June 3

Adult Softball

Spring/Summer Adult14″ Co-Ed Softball League (Ages 18+)

Registration Deadline April 25 (or until filled)

Calling all Co-Ed Recreational softball teams. Leagues are played with a 14″ mush ball. Each team must have a minimum of 5 males and 5 females to play in the league. Games are played at Kopp Park located at (Dempster St. and Linneman Rd) starting as early as 6:30 PM (times could be adjusted depending on the number of teams). Teams will play 10 games + end of season tournament. Registration is by teams only (maximum of 9 teams per league).
Location Kopp Park
Team Fee $825

Thursday, 6:30-9:30 PM | May 8-July 31
Click here to register!

Spring/Summer Adult 16″ Softball Leagues (Ages 18+)

Registration Deadline April 25 (or until filled)

Join us this summer to play in a long standing tradition in Mt. Prospect, 16″ Softball. A variety of nights and levels of play are available to new teams or veteran competitive leagues. All leagues will play 10 games regular season + end of the season tournament. Game times are 6:00 PM and 7:10 PM. Over 50 League will have games times of 5:30 PM and 6:30 PM. Registration is by teams only (maximum of 12 teams per league).
Location Majewski Athletic Complex and/or Kopp Park
Team Fee $825

B League | Tuesday, 6:00-8:30 PM | May 6-July 29
Click here to register!

C League | Wednesday, 6:00-8:30 PM | May 7-July 30
Click here to register!

Over 50 | Thursday, 5:30-7:30 PM | May 8-July 31
Click here to register!

Adult Volleyball

Spring Adult Women’s Volleyball Leagues (Ages 18+)

Registration Deadline March 17 (or until filled)

Come join our Women’s Volleyball League! All are welcome regardless of ability. Games are 6v6 format. The league has a 10 week schedule – three matches per game, concluding with an end of season tournament. Fee covers referees and end of season prize. Registration taken by individuals or by team. Registered individuals will be assigned onto a team once registration closes. Each team will be assigned a team color which players need to have that color shirt.
Location RecPlex
Team Fee $425
Individual Fee R $65 NR $75

Monday, 6:30-9:30 PM | March 31-June 9

Individual Registration
Click here to register!

Team Registration
Click here to register!

Spring Madness 5v5 Adult Basketball Tournament (Ages 18+)

This fast paced indoor basketball tournament will take place at RecPlex. This tournament is open for ages 18+. Teams can have a maximum of 8 players and each team will play a minimum of 3 games. Team registration only. Staff will contact those registered prior to tournament date for roster information.

Saturday, April 19 | 9 AM-3 PM
Location RecPlex
R $200 NR $210

Click Here to Register

Questions? Reach out to Athletics Manager, Brad at